I need a girl's night out...
I don't know how, when, or what but I need to go out and be silly with my beautiful girlfriends. It's always so difficult to get us all together, but once we do, the reward is immediate.
Don't get me wrong, I love my husband- I can even dare to say I have a blast with him- but there is just something about getting together with my three best friends since high school that is SO MUCH DAMN FUN! We speak in our own little special language almost and laugh constantly. Even when the serious stuff needs to be paraded out and looked at, we still enjoy the time with each other.
These girls (yes, I do think it's appropriate to call us 36 year old moms girls...) have seen me when I have nothing left to give, and in those moments, they give to me. These are girls that I have seen in hopeless times, and I have been honored to stand by their sides and be a shoulder to cry on. These are AMAZING girls.
I have been shown over and over how lucky I am to have friends like this in my life. They are the truest expressions of friendship I have seen.
But, enough of the serious crap... I just want to go out dancing with these girls!!!